Ana e Berengere no meio da multidão
Arriba!! Esperos que a próxima fiesta latina (ou qualquer outra fiesta) seja num sitio mais quentinho... :)
28 setembro, 2008
Pot de Depart d' Oli
By the end of August my good good friend Olivier left me alone in this rainny and grey Brussels! He left to a even rainnier place: Irland! If I understand why? Of course noooooo... He must have really good reasons! :)
Anyway, we went out for at least one (but not the last) drink!!
Anyway, we went out for at least one (but not the last) drink!!
Here he is... ehehehehehFlying Vero
Tugas de visita a Bruxelas
Pois é, no final de Agosto tivemos a visita de uns tugas malucos que andavam a fazer um InterRail pela Europa. Primeiro chegaram o Ricardo, Pedro e Bruno e depois veio a minha Fatinha freciosaaaaaa... :)
Calhou bem porque era o Brussels Summer Festival então lá andámos a "vagabundear" por Bruxelas a ver concertos.
23 setembro, 2008
Mojito on the Shark
A new experience?? Try to have a mojito inside a mouth of a shark!
This is a really dangerous experience... please don't try it at home... unless you're really drunk! eheheheh!
At the first aproach you fell a bit nervous, you start laughing witouth stoping...
Then you do it...
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